Coed Teams Click on a team name below, to see the particular teams schedule for the season. Please note: Games with * on the park means Coin Toss. 2024 Coed A/BPosTeam1Wolves2Insanity3Formosa4Grizzlies5Core6BBB7Super Friends8River Sharks9Crows10Cartel11IPIP12Pitch Slappers13Moody Ballers14Hit Squad Coed C Division 2024PosTeam1Shafty 2.02Basers3Vipers4Spumoni5Hugers6Doots7No Glove No Love8Aces of Bases Coed D Division 2024PosTeam1Storm – Coed2Slammers3Capital Crushers4Steelers5Stonecutters6Peckers7Grumpy Granolas8Masterbatters Coed E Division 2024PosTeam1Got the Runs2Wildcards3Sledge Hammers4Balls of Anarchy5Coyotes6Diamond Cutters7Basic Pitches8Sparklemotion