Adhere to the Following
- Do not come to the game if you are ill, show any symptoms or have been around someone who is ill.
- Cover over your mouth and nose with a tissue or into your elbow when coughing or sneezing
- Do not spit – including no sunflower seeds
- Wash your hands often
- No congregating at parks, facilities or parking areas before or after your game.
- There will be a no contact, “no handshakes or high fiving”
- During batting, players will need to line up along the fence outside of the diamond spread out accordingly
- The dug out will only be used by the on deck batter, or participants can distance accordingly to space available
- The catcher will stand 2 meters behind the strike mat
- Immediately upon the completion of the game, all members will leave the diamond area
- Spectators must sit socially distanced from team members and other spectators
- No coaching conferences or group huddles
- All garbage must be collected and removed by each team after the game
- The use of mask or face shield
- The use of personal fitted batting gloves at all times
- The use of individual antibacterial hand sanitizer
- The use of individual bats
- Balls should be wiped before each inning
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- That spectators be kept to a minimum
- Children not be left unattended while playing
- Base coaches are not used. If they are, they will stand 2 meters away from 1st and 3rd base at all times